Sunday, April 22, 2012

Make Easy Money

Make Easy Money
Here I will give you a comprehensive guide on how to make easy cash the way I do. No investment of money or great computer expertise is needed here. All you will need is a brain, internet access and a small investment of time. Some people make 6 figure incomes this way, others even millions!

I have created this website with little effort, no costs and I am able to make money overnight whilst sleeping, from the ads placed on the site. Everything you need to know to achieve this is here. So before continuing I suggest you favourite this page/subscribe whatever. Just make sure you can return easily.

To start you will need to create a Google account to gain access to blogger. Blogger is a free web hosting service owned by Google which allows anyone to create online content. You can create a free account here. If you already have a Google account, visit this link anyway.

After creating an account have a little look around and familiarise yourself. It is very easy to get the hang of. Next go to the dashboard and click new blog. Give your blog a title, it can be about absolutely anything (following blogger's terms and conditions of course). However, pick something you enjoy to write about, this way it is easier to build a target audience. Stick with the theme, this is a must to implement Google AdSense which we will look at later. Next you will be asked to pick a template design for your site. The choice is yours, however I find simple is better, so pick something easy on the eyes. At some point you will also be asked to choose a domain name, pick something easy to remember and simple.

You have officially created a blog. Now you can start posting about your topic, try to keep the reader engaged. Now comes the fun part. Once you have a significant amount of content you can monetize your blog. This means Google place advertisements on your site, relevant to your content. Google will pay you everytime a viewer clicks on an ad. To do this you need to set up a Google AdSense account. CPC (Cost Per Click) refers to the amount Google will pay you for one click on a specific ad. Different ads pay different amounts (my ads average around 50 pence per click). The people clicking on the ads or Google do not pay this to me. It is the advertisers using the other side of Google AdSense who pay me, whilst Google takes a percentage. For example if you clicked an ad on this site (if it interested you), you would pay no cost. You would just get directed to a different site on the web probably trying to sell something, while I would be 50 pence richer.

To implement AdSense into your blog click the 'monetize' link on the blogger dashboard. Congratulations you now have the potential to make large sums of cash. However don't click on your ads as Google will simply shut down your account for breach of terms and conditions. The key is to drive traffic to your website (viewers) as this will increase the chance of people clicking ads. I will list ways to do this later, but first lets talk about bloggers monetise tab. On the left you will see 'page impressions' which is the number of people that viewed the ads on your pages. Next to that is 'clicks', the number of people that clicked an ad on your site. You should also see CTR (click through rate) which is the percentage of people viewing your site that actually clicked an ad. eCPM is the estimated cost per Mille, which basically means how much you should expect to earn every thousand views, based on your CTR.

Once you understand these terms you realise that sticking to a single theme is important. This gives you a target audience and also helps Google find relevant ads for your viewers. In turn this raises your CTR and therefore total earnings. At first you may not get many views, which is normal. Just stick at it and write as much content as possible. Soon you will have 1000+ views a day and will be earning a good amount of money.

General Tips

Visit Google webmaster tools and submit a sitemap to increase traffic

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